Friday, October 6, 2023
3 min
Your 3 words describing the Tesvan team.
Lusine: “Casual, Supportive, Flexible”
How we work
As we are a QA outsourcing company we have multiple projects we are working on. Generally, there is a person or a pair in charge of each project and due to our good collaboration skills, we always succeed in working in pairs. Based on project specifications we work on multiple QA frameworks using different tools. Tesvanners are familiar with most of those tools but there is always one tool each of us is the best on: like saying API testing we imagine Ara, Lusine is our Git guru, Selenium masters are Arman and Norayr, Vazgen is unstoppable in mobile testing and so on… One of the strengths of Tesvan is that we all are good both in individual and group working which makes our team flexible and effective. And to keep a good work ethic there are some key points which must be strictly followed: time management, responsibility, and excellent communication skills.
How would you describe Tesvan in 3 words?
Ara: “ Yellow, Happy, Smart”
How we learn and grow
Working in the IT-sphere means growing continuously. We realize that for being competent and valuable specialists in this field we need to improve our skills and knowledge. We give much importance to self-development and self-improvement which are especially enjoyable when accompanied by teamwork. And how do we do that? For every month we suggest several topics related to QA/IT and each of us chooses a topic closer to him/her and explores that deeply in order to prepare a presentation for other teammates. So, at the end of the month, we do a line of presentations. We gather together to listen to each other, share our thoughts regarding the topic, ask questions and find the answers together. It is a good approach to learn new things and grow which has become a habit for us!
What can’t you imagine Tesvan without?
Levon: “Laptops and warm smiles of my colleagues :)”
What we play
It’s not only work that unites us, but also our hobbies! Where to go without Tesvan games and teambuildings? Nowhere! The first on the list is Football, as we all are big fans of football, even the newcomers who didn’t express any interest in it in past, become involved with that just in a very short period of time. We like watching matches and then discuss our favorite moments, rewatch epic goals and share our emotions at the office. Sometimes Tesvan boys organize football matches and play with other teams. Also, we never miss the chance to watch football matches from the stadium, it is another pleasure for us. And a good occasion to make good memories all together.
What do you like the most in Tesvan?
Mane: People!
After football, the second place is for chess. Once or twice a month, we organize Friday “Mafia Night”, after work. We like playing any new and interesting intellectual games, doing debates taking global topics. Almost every month we organize one teambuilding, or a camping activity to fully relax and be recharged with energy.
What is missing in Tesvan?
Merine: “My favorite coffee “Jacobs”, instead of “Nescafe”, more fruits especially mandarins for winter :)
“ So, Tesvan is not just an office, where we work and spend 8 hours of our day. It is a big family, where we live and grow, support and motivate each other to overcome any difficulty and to become better versions of ourselves day by day. Now, you can get the answer to the question “What is behind the doors of Tesvan?”
It is only love, respect, and sympathy!
P.S. “Success is a Team Sport!!!” : the phrase always rolling in our mind!